Dr. Raed Ali Ahmad
Current position: General Director, Professor, Researches Director.
الشهادة: دكتوراه في الهندسة الزلزالية وعلم الزلازل تاريخ الحصول على الدكتوراه: 20 أيار 2005
العمل الحالي:
– مدير بحوث في الهيئة البحثية في المركز الوطني للزلازل.
– مدير عام المركز الوطني للزلازل منذ 11/11/2020
– رئيس مجلس إدارة المركز الوطني للزلازل
– عضو مجلس إدارة الهيئة العليا للبحث العلمي
الاختصاص: دكتوراه في الهندسة الزلزالية/ علم الزلزال الهندسي
الاختصاص الدقيق: دراسة الخصائص الزلزالية للموقع/الخطر الزلزالي/ هندسة زلازل
Tel: 00963 11 2261302
Fax: 00963 11 2261315
Email: raedali_2000@yahoo.com
Currently working as a researches director for National Earthquake Center for the last 18 years and has published research articles in referred technical journals. I have strong background in Engineering seismology/Seismology, Microzanation, Geotechnics, Geophysics, Site effect, Seismic hazard and risk, Remote sensing & GIS.
Experienced in ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), shear wave velocity, spectral ratio, amplification, regional wave propagation, seismic source studies, seismic attenuation, seismic quarries explosions, and strong motions.
Teaching experience, supervision of Master and PhD students at higher institute for earthquake researches and studies in Damascus, Syria. I co-authored the Syrian Anti-seismic design code issued by the Syrian Engineers community in 2015. During my work At NEC, I chaired a number of scientific projects Such as Microzonation of Damascus.
Member of National group for monitoring seismic disasters using remote sensing and geographical information system in Syria. I have participated in several training courses in seismology, earthquake engineering, water resources management and remote sensing applications and dozens of specialized international scientific conferences in Armenia, Greece, China, India, Portugal, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, France, Poland, Algeria, Turkey, and Italy. I have been awarded scientific scholarships such as FRCT, and ICCR. I do professional work as referee in several journals such as: Bulletin of seismological society of America (BSSA), Advances in Space Research, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, International Journal of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Letters, Natural Hazards. I can speak Arabic, English, Russian and Chinese.
Certificate Name | Year | Institution’s name |
Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering. /Engineering Seismology/ | 2005 | Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction. Yerevan – ARMENIA |
Master of Technology in Civil Engineering /Remote Sensing, Engineering Geology/ | 2000 | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) – INDIA |
Diploma in Geophysical exploration of oil and gas | 1995 | Damascus University – SYRIA |
Bachelor degree in Applied Geophysics | 1994 | Damascus University – SYRIA |
Work Experience:
2006 – present time: National Earthquake Center (NEC), Damascus, Syria.
2006 –present time: Higher Institute of Earthquake Researches, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.
2005 – 2006: Directorate of Oil and Gas Exploration, Syrian Petroleum Company, Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources, Damascus, Syria.
2000 – 2005: Dam’s Section, Directorate of Technical Affairs (General Organization for Water Resources Management), Ministry of water resources (Irrigation Ministry), Damascus Syria.
Research Experience:
– Seismic risk the impact of earthquakes on building and human.
-Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in Mapping and Engineering Seismology.
– Site effect, Amplification, Attenuation models.
– Microzonation using shear wave velocity, geotechnical numerical method, H/V methods”.
– improvement of Syrian construction code.
Study of Syrian Seismicity Catalog.
Seismic Hazard Assessment of Syria.
Ph.D. Thesis in Engineering Seismology “Soil response microzonation (H/V technique and geotechnical data analysis) and dynamic properties of buildings of Tartous city”, Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Yerevan, Armenia.
(M. Tech.) Master of Technology Thesis in Civil Engineering (The use of remote sensing and image processing in detection of surface and subsurface features), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), India.
Oil and Gas Exploration in Syria, Damascus, Syria.
Scientific Awards:
- Post-Doctoral research scholarship (FRCT), Portugal
- Indo-Syrian for cultural exchange program ICCR Scholarship (1997 – 2000).
- Armenian –Syrian Doctoral research work Scholarship (2001 – 2005)
Professional Services:
referee service for:
- Bulletin of Seismological Society of America (BSSA).
- Advances in Space Research (International Journal, UK)
- Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (International Journal, USA)
- International Journal of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Letters
- Natural Hazards
Participation in training course:
- Workshop on “Developing earthquake risk management master plans based on challenges observed in the recent earthquakes” IIEES, Tehran on 4-6 December 2023. “The impacts and challenges of 2023 Syria Earthquake”
- Giving a lecture during the “international seminars” organized by the University of Cergy Paris, entitled “The February 6 earthquake using the recordings of the Syrian seismological Network stations records” March 16, 2023
- Training program on “Creative Leadership and Organizational Excellence” held by Arab Planning Institute during 5-7/12/2022.
- A workshop at the Institute of Public Administration in Damascus on response to the earthquake of February 6, 2023
- A course in strategic management (2016).
- High-Performance Computing in Scientific Problems Computation, 14-16 December 2010, Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology, Damascus – SYRIA.
- Young Scientists Training Course of the European Seismological commission, held at the laboratory of geophysics and seismology, technical educational institute of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece, from 2 to 7 September 2008.
- International training courses on Integrated Watershed Management (INWAMA), conducted at the institute of geographical science and natural resources research, Beijing 5. 6 – 25.6.2006 & 15.1 – 2.2.2007.
- Training course on “Recent trends in seismic networks data processing and exchange, hazard and risk assessment”, Yerevan – Armenia, October 4-17, 2004. The workshop organized by: Asian seismological commissions (ASC), (IASPEI), Armenian Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth (AASPE) and Yerevan State University (YSU).
- – ICDL course at the Syrian Informatics Society in 2010.
- – A course on the use of remote sensing applications in disaster management for West Asia and North Africa in 2006.
- Regional Workshop on Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management in western Asia and Northern Africa”, 22-26 April 2006, General organization for remote sensing GORSS, Damascus, Syria
- A training course in India on natural hazards and water infrastructures in the month of September 2006.
Participation in conferences:
- 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 6-10 September 2016, Trieste, Italy. 3 Papers are accepted for presentation ESC2016-348, ESC2016-350, ESC2016-351.
- 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 July-7 August, Istanbul, Turkey, Paper no. PSD.2-001716. /The conference is cancelled/.
- IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), paper no. 2052, 10-15 July, Beijing, China.
- AGU Chapman conference, Ixtapa, Guerrero, Mexico I 21-25 February 2016. Paper no.94167
- AGU FALL MEETING, San Francisco I 14 – 18 December 2015. https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/73313
- 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, Moscow, Russia.
- 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE 2012), 24 to 28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
- European Seismological Commission 33-rd General Assembly, ESC2012, August 19-24 (2012), Moscow, Russia.
- Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 16 – 18 May, 2011. Tehran, Iran.
- ESC 2008 and YSTC (Young Seismological Training Course) – European Seismological, Greece 2-14 September – 2008.
- XXIV IUGG General Assembly, July 2nd to 13th, 2007, Perugia, Italy.
- 1th geology conference, 17-30/11/2006, Damascus, Syria.
- “Regional Workshop on Use of Space Technology for Disaster Management in western Asia and Northern Africa” , 22-26 April 2006, Damascus, Syria.
- IESCA-2005 “International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Regions” 4-7 October 2005 Izmir – Turkey.
- 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2004, Paris – France.
- Asian Seismological Commission 5th General Assembly, October 18-21, 2004, Yerevan, Armenia.
- 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Hazards2004, 2-4 December, Hyderabad, India.
- International workshop on earth system processes related to Gujrat Earthquake using space technology.“ January 27-29, 2003.
- National symposium on remote sensing application for natural resources Bhubaneswar, March 22-24, 2000، Indian society of remote sensing conference.
- 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-23 July 2000, Warsaw – Poland.
Computer Skills:
- C programming language, Unix & Linux
- Sesarray-Geopsy, Shake, CRISIS, Zmap, SEISAN, DIMAS, GeoDas, Deepsoil, OpenSees, OpenQuake, OpenSHA, Mathematica, Matlab, resixp, Surfer.
- Image processing programs: Erdas, Arcview, ArcGIS, Mapinfo, Idrissi, Photoshop, Basins (watershed management).
- ICDL, International Computer Driving License, SCS, Damascus, 2010.
Languages Efficiency:
Language | Reading | Writing | Conversation |
Arabic | Excellent | Excellent | Excellent |
English | Very Good | Very Good | Very Good |
Russian | Good | Good | Good |
Chinese | 2nd. level | 2nd. level | 2nd. level |
Thesis Supervision:
– PhD thesis No. 3: (2 completed, one in progress), Master’s thesis No. 3 (2 completed, one in progress)
– Supervision of a Ph.D. dissertation by Ms. Ahlam Khalil at the Higher Institute for Seismic Studies and Research at Damascus University. She defended her dissertation on 6/15/2020, titled: “Seismic risk assessment in the City of Jableh”.
– Supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Saoud’s thesis in the field of earthquake engineering “Seismic Performance of Structural Elements”
– Supervising a master’s thesis belonging to Mr. Nazeer Youssef at the Higher Institute for Seismic Studies and Research at Damascus University. The student defended his thesis in the year 2014, which bore the title: “Dynamic properties of soil response in the city of Raqqa using the H/V spectral ratio method.”
– Supervision of the master’s thesis of the student, Heba Qarmish, entitled “Seismic-site conditions of the Syrian seismological network” at the Higher Institute for Seismic Studies and Research at Damascus University.
List of Publications
A- Articles in Journals
- Raed Ali Ahmad, Khalil, A., Daoud, M. (2023). ‘On the GIS-based Seismic Risk Maps of Jablah City, Syria’, Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 24(2), pp. -. doi: 10.48303/jsee.2023.1971620.1038
- Raed Ali Ahmad, Hiba Qarmish and Muhammad Daoud (2021), “Pediction Equations for PGA and PGV in Syria earthquakes (M<5)” Accepted for publication in Damascus University Journal of Basic Sciences and ICCE22 international conference in construction Engineering, Damascus, Syria
- Raed Ali Ahmad, Heba Qarmish and Muhammad Daoud (2021), “Seismic Response Characteristics of the National Monitoring Network Sites Using Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method” Damascus University Journal of Basic Sciences, Volume 37, Issue 3, pages 149 – 176.
- Raed Ahmad, Ahlam Khalil and Mohmad Daoud (2019), “Seismic hazard assessment of the coastal area” in press. Accepted for publication in Damascus University Journal for Basic Sciences, ISSN 1726-5487.
- Raed Ahmad, Ahlam Khalil and Mohmad Daoud (2019), “Seismic characteristics of soil and buildings using spectral ratio and fundamental period in Jablah city” in press. Accepted for publication in Damascus University Journal for Basic Sciences, ISSN 1726-5487.
- Raed Ahmad, Ahlam Khalil and Mohmad Daoud (2019), “Studying the seismic data for Al-Ghab fault and Cyprus Arc regions using Gutenberg_Richter parameters and Completeness Magnitude” in press. Accepted for publication in Damascus University Journal for Basic Sciences, ISSN 1726-5487.
- Raed Ali Ahmad, Ramesh P. Singh and Ahmad Adris (2017), “Seismic hazard assessment of Syria using seismicity, DEM, slope, active faults and GIS” Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 6C, 59 – 70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2017.04.003
- Raed Ali Ahmad and Ramesh P. singh (2016), “Use of remote sensing and topographic slope in evaluating seismic site-conditions in Damascus region”. IEEE IGARSS 2016, Pp. 5777 – 5780. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7730509
- Raed Ali Ahmad (2016) “Seismic microzonation map of Syria using topographic slope and characteristics of surface soil”. Natural Hazards Journal, 80 (2), 1323-1347. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-015-2025-y. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11069-015-2025-y
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh (2016) “Attenuation relation predicted observed ground motion of Gorkha Nepal earthquake of April 25, 2015” Natural Hazards journal, Vol 80 (1), 311-328. DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1969-2. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11069-015-1969-2
- Raed Ahmad, Nazeir Youssef and Mohamad Daoud (2015) “Soil Dynamic Response Characteristics in AL-raqqa City based on Analysis of Microtremor Measurements” Accepted for publication in Damascus University Journal for Basic Sciences, ISSN 1726-5487.
- Raed Ali Ahmad (2014) “Amplification maps for Syrian territory with respect to ground motion levels and based on Slope-Velocity model”. Vol. 16, No. 4, 2014, Pp: 231–245, Journal of seismology and earthquake engineering (ISSN:1735-1669). http://jsee.ir/index.php/jsee/article/view/367
- Raed Ali Ahmad, (2013) “Seismic Hazard Assessment of Syria” Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (JSEE), Vol. 15, No.1, Pp.1-13, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Iran. http://www.jsee.ir/index.php/jsee/article/view/230
- Хачиян Э. Е., Ахмад Р. А., Саркисян А. З., Оганесян А. С., (2006) “Новый метод опреления значеия преобладающего периода колебаний многослойного основания” Будивельни Конструкции, Випуск 64, Рр. 28 – 37. Украина.
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh “Comparison of various data fusion for surface features extraction using IRS-PAN LISS-III data”. Advances in space research, vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 73-78, 2002, Elsevier Science Ltd. Great Britain, U.K. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0273-1177(01)00631-7
- Raed Ahmad, and Edward Khachian “A new method for calculating the dominant periods of multilayer of soil” Науки о Земле, 2006, LIX, No. 1, Pp. 41 – 50, 2006, Yerevan – Armenia. http://earth.asj-oa.am/3221/
- Raed Ahmad and Edward Khachian (2004). “Use of various data set to evaluate the seismic hazard in Tartous region (Syria)”, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April 2004 Vol. II, PP. 639-642.
- Raed Ahmad “Geological Setting and dynamic properties of soils in Tartous area (Syria)”, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Reports 104-No.4, pp.(295-302),2004,Yerevan-Armenia. http://elib.sci.am/index.php?cont=1&nm=044&cnt=1.5.4&Exp=0
B-Local Publications:
- Raed Ahmed, (2023), “ The 6th February Earthquake Using Recordings of National Seismic Network Stations.” 793/Sz, 21/2/2023 internal report.
- Raed Ahmad, Samer Zeizafoon, Ahlam Khalil, and Ammar Hammoud, (2013) “Syrian seismicity analysis using catalog data of the year 1365 BC until the year 2013” Internal report, National Earthquake Center, Damascus, Syria, 1-10.
- Raed Ahmad, (2012), “Analysis of Syrian seismicity using Gutenberg’s-Richter Parameters and seismic rate changes”, National Earthquake Center (NEC), Damascus, Syria.
- Raed Ahmad, et. al., (2011), “Study the vibrations caused by the quarries explosions of Arab Company for Cement and its impact on nearby structures in the province of Aleppo” Cement Arab Company, Aleppo, Syria.
- Raed Ahmad and Samer Bagh (2010), “Seismicity setting of Al-rakhim Valley, the proposed site for the construction of phosphate fertilizer factory in Homs province” National Earthquake Center (NEC), Damascus, Syria.
- Raed Ahmad (2010), “Analysis of strong motions data recorded by Qarqour and Batrach monitoring stations” General Company for Water Studies, Homs, Syria.
C- Published contributions to academic conferences
- International Conference in construction engineering (ICCE22) (2022) “seismic-site conditions of the Syrian Seismological Network and Perdition Equations for PGA and PGV In Syrian using earthquakes (M<5)” Damascus, Syria
- Ahlam Khalil, Raed Ahmed and Muhammad Daoud (2019) “Seismic hazard assessment of the Coastal Region” The Third Geological Conference: The Role of Geology in the Reconstruction, 1-3 April 2019, Damascus, Syria.
- Raed Ahmed (2018) “The role of remote sensing and geographic information systems in seismic hazrd assessment of Syria” The eighteenth international conference of the General organization for Remote Sensing, “The role of remote sensing in reconstruction” Damascus 8-10 October 2018
- Raed Ahmed (2018) “Seismic -site evaluation Using Topographic slope ” The 18th International Conference of the General organization for Remote Sensing “The Role of Remote Sensing in Reconstruction” Damascus 8-10 October 2018
- Raed Ali Ahmad, Ahmad Adris, Ramesh P Singh (2016) “SEISMIC HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF SYRIA USING SEISMICITY, DEM, SLOPE, ACTIVE TECTONIC AND GIS” Paper no. PSD.2-001716, 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 30 July-7 August, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Raed Ali Ahmad, (2016) “USE OF REMOTE SENSING AND TOPOGRAPHIC SLOPE IN EVALUATING SEISMIC SITE-CONDITIONS IN DAMASCUS REGION” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), paper no. 2052 is accepted for presentation, 10-15 July, Beijing, China. http://www.igarss2016.org/Papers/viewpapers.asp?papernum=2052
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh (2016), Seismic hazards evaluation using ground motion parameters in Chile, AGU Chapman conference, Ixtapa, Guerrero, Mexico I 21-25 February 2016. Paper no. 94167. https://agu.confex.com/agu/16chapman1/webprogram/Paper94167.html
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh (2015) “Predicted Attenuation Relation and Observed Ground Motion of Gorkha Nepal Earthquake of 25 April 2015”, Accepted for presentation in AGU FALL MEETING San Francisco 14-18 Dec. 2015. https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Paper73313
- Raed Ahmad and Ahmad Adris, (2014) “Earthquake Potential Areas Using Seismicity Catalog, Remote Sensing and GIS”, accepted for oral presentation in 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, Moscow, Russia. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014cosp…40E..32A
- Raed Ahmad, (2012) “Towards a New Seismic Hazard Assessment of Syria” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE 2012), 24 to 28 September 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. http://www.youblisher.com/p/425523-CPL-15WCEE/
- Raed Ahmad, (2012) “Analysis of Syrian Seismicity in terms of variations of Gutenberg’s Richter Parameters and Seismic rate changes” European Seismological Commission 33-rd General Assembly, ESC2012, August 19-24, Moscow, Russia.
- Raed Ahmad, (2011) “DEVELOPMENT OF SEISMIC HAZARD MAPS FOR SYRIAN TERRITORY”, Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 16 – 18 May, 2011. Tehran, Iran. http://www.civilica.com/EnPaper-SEE06-SEE06_522.html
- Raed Ahmad, (2007) “Seismic Microzonation of Damascus City using H/V Spectral Ratio for ground _shaking site effect” XXIV IUGG General Assembly, July 2nd to 13th , 2007, Perugia, Italy. http://www.iugg2007perugia.it/iuggProc/S.pdf
- Raed Ahmad, (2005) “Tartous city (Syria) under seismic investigations” International Earth Sciences Colloquium on the Aegean Regions. 4 – 7 October 2005-Izmir-Turkey. http://meetings.copernicus.org/www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU05/00630/EGU05-J-00630.pdf
- Raed Ahmad and Edward Khachian (2004) “Development of new approach to evaluate the predominant periods of soil foundation under constructed buildings” 5th Asian seismological symposium on seismic hazard evaluation and risk reduction, Abstract Volume, PP. 180, 2004, Yerevan-Armenia.
- Raed Ahmad and Edward Khachian (2004) “Combination of Remote Sensing and Ground Data for Evaluation of Seismic Hazards in Tartous Region (Syria)” 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Accepted for poster presentation and published in abstracts volume, 2004, Paris – France. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004cosp…35.2056A
- Raed Ahmad, (2004) “Seismic hazard evaluation of Tartous city (SYRIA) using dynamic properties” Hazards 2004 conference, 2-4 Dec. 2004, Hyderabad, India.
- Raed Ahmad and Edward Khachian (2004) “Evaluation of seismic risk for Tartous city (Syria) by simulating both soil and buildings dynamic properties”. 5th Asian seismological symposium on seismic hazard evaluation and risk reduction, Abstract Volume, PP. 238, 2004, Yerevan-Armenia.
- Raed Ahmad, (2003) “Tectonic Evaluation of Dead Sea Fault System in Syria using Multi Data sets” International workshop on earth system processes related to Gujrat Earthquake using space technology. Abstracts Vol. PP.130, 2003, IITK. Kanpur – India.
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh (2000) “Comparison of various data fusion for surface features extraction using IRS-PAN LISS-III data”. 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 16-23 July 2000, Warsaw – Poland.
- Raed Ahmad and Ramesh P. Singh (2000) “River migration pattern and its relation with subsurface information using remote sensing and geophysical data”. ISRS-2000, P.p 254, Bhubaneswar, India.